Cambridge C1 Advanced Letter Writing

In the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam, writing letters or emails is one of the tasks you may be asked to do in Part 2. There are three possible types of email at C1 ; an informal email, an information letter or email and an application email.

Firstly, you need to show that you have an understanding of the type of register and structure needed for such emails. By this we mean you need to be very clear who your audience is and how formal your writing should be.  What all have in common is that the content you need to include is specifically provided in the question.

Here we will look at what you need to know.

C1 Advanced Informal Email

In our informal example, offering suggestions on things to do but more importantly supporting them with reasons and explanations is key. Although the answer may be informal you are still expected to demonstrate the ability to use a wide range of language. Take a look at this sample informal email question below. 

Informal email – sample


C1 Informal email completed example

Hi Chris,

great to hear back from you so soon. I’m delighted the job is going well and I envy you with all these chances you get to travel!

Firstly, I’m hoping we get the chance to meet up, at least some of these nights. I know I’ll be away that particular weekend so unfortunately I won’t be able to join you. There’s  a fairly lively section of town with restaurants and bars where we could probably hang out.  I would say this quite a wide variety of locations to choose from. you’ve got seafood restaurants , Italian and a wide range of other ethnic restaurants. My own favorite is the Indian restaurant.   

Of course, we also have cultural options if that’s what you’d like to do. I know of quite a few bars where they perform live music and we have a concert hall  where you find performances on the regular basis but I’d need to check the programme.

As for places to visit, well, we’re in a pretty scenic part of the country and there are plenty of trails and paths around the town. In the main, they are based around a nearby lake and are generally short enough.  If that’s not your thing there are some historical locations we could take in, in the old quarter. The time you’re coming is not too bad weather wise so you should be able to get out.

So that’s it for now. If you have any other questions feel free to drop me a line and I’m looking forward to seeing you when you get here.

All the best   


C1 Information email

An information email is written in response to the situation outlined in the task and can be to an editor or to an organisation. You should address the points listed in the task. It is important to organise the writing in paragraphs and it should also be written in an appropriate formal style.

Take a look at this sample information email question below. 

Information email – sample


In order to write this information email you should create a plan. The following image shows an example of a suitable plan.


C1 Information email - completed example

Paragraph 1: Suitable greeting and purpose of the email
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m writing to you in relation to an article that appeared recently in your newspaper about the international students. As stated in your article some comments are unfair to us here at the Crown International School

Paragraph 2: First point of discussion
To begin with the idea of there being poor relationships between students and their host families is untrue with respect to our college. As a social secretary I am regularly in contact with host families and indeed it is a policy of our school to maintain this type of engagement with them. Our experience is that students are very pleased with their host families.

Paragraph 3: Second point of discussion
A further point of concern was the suggestion that schools make no effort to promote understanding between students and the community. As a regular part of their programme we also provide information on cultural differences, something the students themselves welcome. I would also like to point that they have a very full timetable, with classes in the morning and later in the day social and cultural events. Some of these excursions involve local attractions and historical sites which we are happy to support.

Paragraph 4: Invitation
I would like to take this opportunity to invite all town residents to an open day so that they have an opportunity to meet the students and to understand what we do at the school. There will also be an international buffet, many of the dishes which will be provided by the students themselves. This we are planning to take place three weeks from now on Saturday the 12th.

Paragraph 5: Suitable ending
I would appreciate it if you can publish this email in your newspaper and we look forward to welcoming all visitors on the 12th.
Yours faithfully

C1 Application Email

 An application is written in response to  a job advertisement. You should answer by providing any details that may be relevant.  It is important to organise the application in paragraphs, with an appropriate introduction and conclusion.

In a C1 Advanced formal letter example you need to present very specific details in a way that informs the reader about this project. It is also critical that you recognise in writing your letter the formal nature of this communication.

Application email – sample


Planning your C1 Application email

As is the case with other types of writing planning is essential and the following paragraph diagram identifies the key points in answering this particular question.


C1 Application email - completed example

Paragraph 1:Suitable greetings, purpose of email
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing a reply to your advertisement for tour guides and I would like to apply for one of these positions.

Paragraph 2: Personal details and situation
I am currently a university student, having just finished my first year and I’m studying history. History is a passion I have always had and it comes from my own interest in the local area. As I grew up here I believe I have a good knowledge of the local area and would be familiar with many of the places of interest.

Paragraph 3: Experience
In addition, I have worked as a volunteer with a number of local organizations who are involved in preservation and conservation of some of the older buildings. Apart from developing my interest further it has also helped me understand the idea of teamwork. I believe I work well with people and I am always willing to learn new things and new ideas. I am a very enthusiastic worker and also very punctual.

Paragraph 4 : Highlight of the town
For me the most exciting of these sites has to be the ruins of the Roman villa. Although they may be small you can see how people lived their lives and get a sense of what their homes were like. It is also a tremendous feeling to be able to get so close to those lives from so long ago.

Paragraph 5: Suitable ending
I attach my CV for your attention . Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me. I’m available for interview at any time.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully


Some Email Writing Tips

  • Make a plan
    As obvious as it may be, exam pressures can leave candidates in a rush to complete the tasks. Laying out what to include in each paragraph is normally adequate enough. Some candidates also like to make a note of suitable linking language they want to use.
  • Write More
    Equally unsurprising is that if you write more often you should improve your own writing. At the very least you’ll find it easier to write. Activities like writing a diary in English can help as can rewriting other completed writing tasks. Try writing and sending emails to people you talk to in English rather than sending texts.
  • Read Other Letters
    Any English language newspaper will have a section for Letters to The Editor. Reading other letters will help give you a better idea of how people structure such communication and you may also find some useful language.
  • Use More Linking Devices
    At an Advanced level candidates must have a very good range of text linking expressions and it is essential to expand your knowledge of them and to experiment with using different types.

Find out more about other Cambridge Advanced writing tasks