Cambridge B2 Report Writing

The report task is a part 2 exercise and report writing is relevant to many areas of business and everyday life.  Here we take a look at the format and requirements for it. 

  • A report is a review or evaluation of a specific topic, with a conclusion based on the information which the writer has presented
  • The word limit is 140-190 words
  • The writing style is formal
  • Each section or paragraph needs a title or header
  • Reports require an introduction and some form of conclusion or recommendation
  • We can use bullet points when writing reports

What you have to do in the Cambridge B2 Report

In the Cambridge First exam the question on the report presents a situation and details on what you should include in the report.  This is a typical example.

Example Report Question

CAE report question

In this question you are expected to include information about places of interest to visittypical food and to make some recommendations. After you plan what to include in each part you are ready to write.

For this example we will use four paragraphs or sections and a header for each one. When choosing a header it should tell a reader what a specific section is about. Our headers, in this case, might be as follows.

Report Headers


Places of Interest

Typical Food


Organising your report writing

When it comes to report writing there are two sections which are always included; the introduction and the conclusion or recommendation. For a reader, they are extremely important, as they tell them what they are about to read and in the final part what the writer proposes.  The introduction always has the same type of format. For our question here we could write the following introduction.

Report Introduction

The aim/purpose of this report is to consider activities for the coming visit and to make recommendations on the best options for the visitors.

For the sections which are a key part of the question think about what you want to include. Take a look at our writing paragraphs page to help plan out how to organise your ideas.

In the final paragraph or section we summarise very generally what we have discussed and typically make a recommendation.

Report Conlusion

To sum up, our town has many things that visitors can enjoy. However, a visit to the castle and a bus tour, with food at the best restaurant are recommended for such a short visit. This should make it a memorable trip to our town.

Some Final Thoughts

Finally, here’s a list of ideas and suggestions for writing reports.

Report writing Dos and Don’ts

  • Use headers for each section.
  • Try to avoid giving personal opinions like I think.  
  • As a report has a formal style you should not use contractions – for example will not and not won’t.    
  • Use modal verbs like could, may, might and should. Try not to use must as it is very strong and direct.
  • Passives can be very useful in report writing but don’t overuse them.
  • Try to use a wide range of linking words like on the other hand, whereas, in conclusion etc.
  • Above all, make a plan before you start any writing.

Watch a YouTube video on B2 reports

Learn more about each of the Cambridge B2 writing exercises

Learn more about each of the Cambridge B2 writing exercises